Medicinal mushrooms are food as a medicine not only for adults but also for
Medicinal mushrooms are the latest trend in supplementary medicine – a re-
emerging therapy that is raising its recognition in scientific studies for its
potential benefits in numerous conditions. But they are indeed not a fictional
therapy; Ötzi the iceman, a man from the Copper Age found as a mummy in the ice
of contemporary Switzerland who lived over 5000 years ago, was found with a
medicine kit containing amadou – Fomes Fomentarius. Amadou is described as a
potent anti-inflammatory by Hippocrates for cauterizing wounds. Mushrooms were
also traditionally consumed by the First Nations Peoples of North America, who
used Calvatia (puffball) strains to treat wounds.
Medicinal mushrooms are probably the most affiliated with traditional Chinese
medicine (TCM) in the complementary medicine society. The origins of
traditional Chinese medicine are connected with a myth that begins from about 5000
years ago with Emperor Yan Di – also called Shen Nong or the Divine Farmer.
The emperor is considered the author of the first Chinese herbal that contains
356 ingredients, including Ganoderma lucidum (reishi) mushrooms. Though it was
edited much later – around 2200 years ago.
There are about 14000-150000 mushroom species that are known today. About 700
of them have medicinal properties. There are about 1100 species that are probable
to have medicinal potential advantages. Besides all mushrooms have a certain
amount of impact on the immune system. The cell walls in the mushrooms are
created by the beta-glucans. They are active in the immune system via the fungal
polysaccharide-specific receptors found on several immune cells, including dectin-
1, CR3, TLR, SIGNR1, LacCer and scavenger cells. They are defined as medicinal
and they have compounds alongside the beta-glucans - including antiviral,
antifungal, sterol, statin, and phenolic proteins.
Many medical specialists have chosen medicinal mushrooms as a supplement
for therapy because of the mixture of a long history of traditional consumption with the
latest scientific research. Plenty of research has been made into the use of
mushrooms in disease states such as cancer, and HIV, and into the immune boosting
and antioxidant properties of mushrooms, for healing adult patients. But what
about mushrooms for children? There were few controlled trials in children due to
the obvious limits surrounding ethics and approval, but some evidence from
medical specialists using medicinal mushrooms in children shows some promising
A 2017 review of the biologically active polysaccharides, also beta-glucans, in the
control and prevention of upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) showed that
beta-glucans are a probable effective healing method in different groups of people
by age, including children (especially beta-glucans from Pleurotus ostreatus).
It is spoken that medicinal specialists have seen successful treatment in their own
children and younger patients by using medicinal mushrooms. A mixture of five
mushroom powders ( Cordyceps Sinensis – caterpillar mushroom, Lentinula
edodes, Trametes Versicolor, Grifola frondosa, and reishi) has been used for both
chronic immune system support ( 0.4 g) and intense dosing for treatment of URTIs
1.5g) in a child of 18 months, with the power added to a formula milk drink. The
mushroom mixture was well-received.
One medical specialist has spoken about the experience of treating a seven-year-old child with a persistent chest infection that has not responded to three rounds
of antibiotics. The child was given a mixture of 5g caterpillar mushroom and 5g
reishi 2-3 times per day put in yogurt. After one week of an intake, the chest
infection cleared; treatment was continued for two more days fully recover.
The big advantage of using dried medicinal mushroom extracts in children is the
variety of foods they can be mixed with. Mushroom powders don’t change their
capabilities by the heat and they can be added to food, milk, or formula with little
effect on taste or texture, so compliance is high. With the high incidence of
infectious disease, most commonly URTis, in young children attending school,
kindergarten or daycare, chronic support of the immune system is important for
therapy – with medicinal mushrooms the dosing can also be increased for more
intense support in times of illness.
Probably the biggest advantage in favor of using medicinal mushrooms for
children is the introduction of food as medicine. To start with, at an early age,
tutoring our children that the food we eat is not just a source of energy, but it can
be medicinal and preventive in action. Natural therapies from the flora should
be advised to children. They should know that medicinal mushrooms increase
concentration while studying and help for healthy sleep. They also should have
in mind the healthy properties of the food as medicine to avoid getting sick,
especially during the winter months. Both reishi and chaga mushrooms can be
helpful against colds and flus.