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Cordyceps extract capsule

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Cordyceps is also named Caterpillar Mushroom. It has been used by traditional

Chinese herbalists for thousands of years. Cordyceps has plenty of nutrients, especially polysaccharides that help the immune system. It is helpful for body

strength. It is used for improving the metabolic process. Cordyceps mushroom is

also useful for increasing the absorption of oxygen. That leads to improved blood

pressure. This unique superfood has been researched for fighting the free radicals

in the body. The mushroom helps improve cardiovascular functionality.


400 mg natural Cordyceps militaris extract 100% mushroom. Most of the fruiting

bodies are gained by water and ethanol retrievement of the full extract. It consists of

30% polysaccharides, beta-glucans, and cordycepin. It is convenient for any dietary

restrictions – vegan, gluten-free. There are no GMO ingredients!

Care and Use:

1 capsule 2 times per day with water during the meal


120 capsules

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