Maitake Mushroom, also named Grifola frondosa, originates from Japan and means “dancing mushroom”. It is not only a part of Japanese medicine but also in the culinary. It is full of nutritious elements and it has exceptional medicinal benefits. Maitake was found in the wild and the name “dancing mushroom” comes from the reaction of its founders because of its wide curing benefits.
Maitake grows not only in Japan but also in China and North America, especially in Canada. It has been studied in Western Europe in more recent decades and used to aid with cardiovascular health issues, and metabolic conditions. Maitake mushroom is also used for helping the immune system.
What exactly is Maitake?
Maitake is defined as a polypore medicinal mushroom, also named adaptogen.
Adaptogens is a definition of herbs, fungi, or plants that boost the flexibility and adaptability of the person consuming them.
Maitake mushroom powder benefits: balances the body, improves general health, and life endurance, and prolongs life expectancy. Other maitake mushroom powders benefits are: immune system help and boost. Maitake mushroom supplements have antitumor, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and antioxidant health benefits. This is because it contains plenty of polysaccharides – beta-D-glucans, heteroglycans, and glycoproteins.
Maitake has been used as a culinary item in Asia for hundreds of years. It has been very famous there also because it is an impressive superfood and a unique medicinal mushroom. The maitake mushroom powder benefits include the presence of prebiotic fiber that gives the opportunity for the growth of beneficial bacteria within the gut microbiome. Other important maitake mushroom powder benefits are weight reduction support, immune function aid, cholesterol, and hormone balancing.
What do maitake mushrooms contain? There are numerous amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, and D, folate, choline, and minerals – potassium, copper, and zinc.
The most outstanding maitake mushroom powder benefits are blood pressure reduction, blood glucose sensitivity improvement, insulin sensitivity advancement, and cholesterol level balancing.
Maitake mushrooms may be used either as a supplement – extract powder or in a full form.
The following are the incredible maitake mushroom powder benefits:
Immune system boost
Maitake is often consumed to regulate immunity. It strengthens the weakened drained immune system when it fights with autoimmune illnesses, allergies, and allergic rhinitis. Maitake health advantages are also favorable in healing viral infections because this mushroom is antibacterial. Maitake mushroom extract has been shown to improve recovery time in patients who used it when struggling with sicknesses.
Gut Health
Maitake mushroom has been tested to better gut microbial composition. Maitake consists of polysaccharide fibers that create a protective compound in the intestinal flora. This leads to gut lining protection and betterment of the increment of healthy bacteria.
Blood Sugar Balance
Maitake is useful for patients with diabetes. Its medical advantages have been researched broadly in the role of hypoglycemic agent, in other words – blood sugar reduction. Low blood glucose levels are an important factor that leads to type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, and metabolic issues. A healthy diet that includes maitake mushrooms aids in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels which is evident. It is important to underline that normal blood sugar depends not only on what is consumed but also on daily movement.
Insulin Resistance
Another of the maitake mushroom powder benefits is insulin signaling improvement which leads to better metabolic processes, energy level improvement, and normal weight management. Insulin resistance is connected to gestational diabetes and Maitake mushroom powder is constructive in the help to recovery.
Cholesterol Lowering
Maitake mushroom is beneficial not only for cholesterol to become lower but also for arterial plaque formation. This mushroom has been proven in animal research to regulate fatty acid oxidation. This means that the cells can use fats to make energy – glucose. Another of the maitake mushroom powder benefits is decreasing atherosclerosis which leads to heart disease because it betters plasma cholesterol transport.
Maitake mushroom is promising in combating hypertension and high blood pressure. Researches with mice prove a decrease in blood pressure after the ingestion of maitake mushroom powder extract. These results suggest that the mushroom might aid in lowering blood pressure.
Healthy Aging
Maitake is a promising mushroom for anti-aging because of its life longevity capabilities according to animal studies. It decreases reactive oxygen species that lead to DNA damage and cellular dysfunction.
Maitake mushroom is also available as an extract in capsules. offers this item – there are 120 capsules that are enough for either 2 or 4 months. The recommendation is for 1 or 2 capsules per day with water during the meal.
Maitake mushroom extract is 100% mushroom - natural, bio, and organic. It is suitable for vegans and vegetarians. It consists of 30% beta-glucans. There are no GMO ingredients!
You can gain all the mentioned above health benefits by purchasing this item here: