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Maitake for your Heart Health

Writer: Web Content CopywriterWeb Content Copywriter

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

Edible mushrooms like Maitake are a beneficial source of fibers mushroom, vitamins,

and minerals. Maitake has become trendy also because of its distinct flavor, aroma, and

culinary features. Lately, Maitake has become increasingly tempting as a

functional food for its potential positive impact on health, including heart health.

Also, the food industry is specifically interested in cultivated and wild edible

mushrooms including Maitake.

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the most common causes of death in Europe.

Several researches have shown the positive impact of mushroom consumption on

some metabolic markers that potentially might reduce the risk of cardiovascular

illnesses. The metabolic markers are total, LDL, HDL cholesterol, fasting

triacylglycerol, homocysteine, blood pressure, homeostatic function, and oxidative and

inflammatory damage. Mushrooms have important dietary aspects – rich in fiber,

low in fat with low unsaturated fatty acids, and low sodium content. There are also

essential responsible agents for some hitherto healthy properties. They are phenolic

compounds, sterols, triterpenes, and others.

There is a supposed positive impact of mushroom consumption on heart illness

risk markers. It is also presumed that there are bioactive compounds that play an

important role in the processes.

Edible mushrooms such as Maitake have become increasingly popular as

medicinal and functional foods for their probable useful effects on heart health.

Certainly, there are some mushroom compounds that play a significant role in

cardiovascular disease prevention and also the treatment of heart sicknesses.

Mushrooms are described as fungi with special and noticeable fruiting bodies that

may grow above or below the earth's surface. Asian cultures have used mushrooms

such as Maitake not only as food but also as a medical source for hundreds,

even thousands of years. Lately, cultivated and edible wild mushrooms have been

divided from medicinal mushrooms by the industry. Cultivated and wild

mushrooms are used either directly or not directly as food or an ingredient. Chaga is

used as both food and a natural supplement. It has a distinctive taste, aroma, and

valuable components. Chaga is a useful part of a healthy diet. Its culinary value

is based on its texture and flavor with a characteristic odor. Chagas' nutritional health

benefits rely on the high protein concentration, plenty of fibers, vitamins, and minerals.

Chaga is low on fat. The amino acid content of Chaga proteins is similar to animal

proteins. Which is of a significant priority to counterpart the high intake of animal

protein foods, especially in Europe. Edible mushrooms originally consist of plenty

of different bioactive components like eritadenine and phenolic compounds.

The International Life Sciences Institute defines food as functional if it affects

beneficially target functions in the body, beyond adequate nutritional effects, in a

way that is relevant to either an improved state of health and well-being and/or

reduction of risk of disease. Studies acknowledge that various mushroom species

are of value in the prevention and treatment of numerous illnesses. Accordingly,

mushrooms can be described as a functional food. Chaga is a medicinal mushroom

that is helpful for heart health as an additional natural supplement for prevention.

Last years cardiovascular diseases are a major cause of death across European

countries. Cardiovascular illnesses are mainly caused by atherosclerosis. The

properties of edible mushrooms can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and

cardiovascular diseases.

Based on the evidence available from 833 studies, this review purposes to describe

in a more detailed way the potential preventive effects of mushrooms on

cardiovascular risks and to mediate between doctors and patients.

The beneficial cardiovascular effects of edible mushroom intake are not consistent

at all. However, there is some evidence that potential blood pressure reduction or

alternation of lipid profiles may exist. More research is needed to explore the

potential benefits of edible mushrooms on cardiometabolic diseases.

Maitake is a Japanese mushroom rich in important nutrients and beta-glucans that

make it an exclusive superfood. It balances blood sugar levels and supports

cellular health. Maitake provides healthy metabolism. It helps the immune system

and promotes a healthy glycemic balance. Maitake is used for health management.

Last but not least, maitake is helpful for heart health.

An effective way to consume maitake is by taking mushroom extracts. It makes it safe

all the mushroom benefits are taken into place excluding the extra preparation. It is

recommended to take 1 or 2 capsules per day during meals.

It should be avoided during pregnancy, breastfeeding, history of low blood sugar,

during intake of blood sugar-lowering medicines, account of low blood pressure,

during blood pressure-lowering medicine intake. Also - autoimmune diseases,

bleeding disorders, and surgery in the following 2 weeks or 2 weeks after surgery.

Maitake Extract Capsules are offered here:

They are a natural supplement, extracted from 100% mushroom. It is convenient for any

dietary restrictions. There are no GMO ingredients. 1 - 2 capsules per day are

enough for maintaining good health, including heart health.

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